May 17, 2014
Guest article by Ashok M Vaishnav (As the SoY regulars are aware, the series on Multiple Version Songs has grown in dimension well beyond what was originally envisaged by Ashokji, about a year and half back. Fortunately, SoY family has some tremendously talented and knowledgeable people, and they chipped in with guest articles, on my […]
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August 20, 2013
Guest article by Ashok M Vaishnav (Many talented music personalities from regional films/languages enriched Hindi film music. Some achieved great name and fame in Hindi films, especially those from Bengal, such as SD Burman, Hemant Kumar and Salil Chaudhary, or in the Vintage Era, RC Boral and Pankaj Mullick; or from Marathi, such as C […]
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