
‘Parent’-‘Adult’-‘Child’ in songs

Thumbnail image for ‘Parent’-‘Adult’-‘Child’ in songs January 1, 2023

Wishing the readers and their families a very Happy New Year. You might recall some songs picturised on Harindranath Chattopadhyay, who always looked over 80, or on the patriarch of three generations Prithviraj Kapoor, and several such songs on an ever-old Om Prakash or David. Coming to the next generation, most songs were picturised on […]

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Thinkers’ songs

The Thinker November 30, 2022

(Note: I understand some SOY regulars are not getting email notification of new posts. You are all requested to register your email in the box at the bottom of the post. You would get a mail for confirmation from “follow.it“. This is not a spam. You would have to simply confirm, and you would start […]

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Romancing other miscellaneous balmas

Saat Saheliyan November 20, 2022

(Note: I understand some SOY regulars are not getting email notification of new posts. You are all requested to register your email in the box at the bottom of the post. You would get a mail for confirmation from “follow.it“. This is not a spam. You would have to simply confirm, and you would start […]

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हे भगवान्‌ !

O duniya ke rakhwale October 9, 2022

Gods have been an important part of our lives and, therefore, our films. We do not set off on a journey without checking whether it was an auspicious moment or not. There is a Rahukaalam when everything comes to a standstill: No weddings, no new investment or purchase of car or home appliances, no taking […]

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Songs of Sarcasm

Ek chatur naar August 13, 2022

If the world only comprised narcissists at one extreme, and the most polite and courteous who profusely praise others at the other end, it would be a very boring place. Things are never black and white. There are various shades of grey in life. In our interactions we often cannot resist the temptation of putting-down […]

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In praise of a woman’s beauty

Chaudahvin ka chaand ho June 29, 2022

A keen reader S. Joseph often suggests some themes to write on. He once wrote to me that there were many songs of a man praising the beauty of a woman, and also, somewhat less, of a woman praising a man, and it might be a nice theme for the blog. I felt diffident precisely […]

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Songs of Narcissists

Narcissus June 18, 2022

Narcissism is seen as some kind of personality disorder denoting an exaggerated sense of self-importance, arrogant, self-centred behaviour and need for excessive attention and admiration. Narcissus in the Greek mythology was cursed by the gods to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. When he saw his reflection he became […]

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Songs of Yore completes twelve years

Songs Of Yore completes 12 years June 7, 2022

In normal times, completing twelve years of blogging would have been a matter of joy, and possibly a bit of crowing. That would look quite out of place in these unusual times. We thought that we would be getting some respite from Covid. But now there is a scare of the fourth wave hitting the […]

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Impossible Songs

Dil le ke bhaga daga de ke bhaga March 18, 2022

Wishing the readers a very Happy Holi The regular readers of SOY are aware that on Holi, when everyone is out throwing coloured water on each other, I often reflect on some serious issues. Not on things like “What is the Ultimate Reality”, or the nature of Brahma (ब्रह्म) and Jeev (जीव) – Are they […]

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Romancing the Jaadugar Balma

Jaadugar qaatil January 12, 2022

By now the regular readers of the SOY can easily answer if Amitabh Bachchan were to ask on KBC, बलमा के कितने प्रमुख प्रकार हैं? It is sad that this season of KBC has come to an end; if it is revived, he might some day ask this question! We have met with anaari, pardesi, […]

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